Resumes, Cover Letters & LinkedIn Profiles
That Stand Out
A resume is a formal one- to two-page document written in the first person without pronouns. Rather than focus only on your responsibilities, we’ll spotlight your deliverables, accomplishments, and the solutions you have devised – as that method conveys to a recruiter or employer the value you bring – and differentiates you from other candidates in your same position at another company.
LinkedIn Profiles
Your LinkedIn profile is an up-close and personal look at the person behind the professional. It is an informal profile that features why you do what you do, what you love about your career, how you got started, and what your ambitions are.
Cover Letters
My cover letters bridge the divide between the content in the job description and your experience. It is less about you and more about what you can do for the employer to resolve the challenges they’ve laid out in their job description. If a recruiter receives hundreds of random resumes but yours includes a targeted cover letter, it’s more likely you’ll be selected for an interview.